Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010

Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets

This book treasures life of Harry Potter, a half-blood witch who started his second year in Hogwarts.
I was inspiring by Hermione Granger. She is a genius girl with brilliant idea. She solved the riddle of the chamber of secrets and find the person who responsible for mysterious attacking toward the students of Hogwarts.
The memorable event of this book is when Harry met Tom Riddle and Basilisk (a snake monster of chamber of secrets). It was thrilling when Harry almost dies because of the attacking from Basilisk, but it was happy ending when Dumbledore’s phoenix helped Harry by given a sword of Gryffindor and selection hat.
This book is excellent for you which has high imagination and interested in witch world.


Which one do you choose???Individual work or Teamwork? Imagine if you have 5 homeworks and you have to do it by yourself. can you? wow, it is a good idea if we make teamwork with the others, you can finish any works very fast. Teamwork has got it's meaning for each.
T = Trust means you need to trust each other to make teamwork.
E = Effort means you should have big effort to involves in teamwork.
A = Achieve means you will achieve the good result because trust plus effort from teamwork.

M = Motivation means even you are lost you never give up because motivation from others.

W = Well means you will get the result well because of teamwork.

O = Obedient means you have to obey the command of the leader's team.
R = Responsibility means as a leader of team got have a big responsible to keep your team.

K = Knowledge means you can share the knowledge each other to get a good result
So, what do you think about teamwork? Teamwork have many advantages that make us easier to do the activities whether in school, club, course or anywhere, and know about how important for sharing each other.