Rabu, 02 Juni 2010

nationalism in my view

Nowadays degradation of nationalism become big issues where many people put more concern on it. Basically every generation of this country have their own way to show their nationalism. I do belive that each era and generation has their own color and imagination for painting the background of this country. Thats why we can not judge people nationalism by using one aspect only. Take a look in this example, recently many university student show their opinion toward the government with demonstration even sometimes it caused public facilities and safety broke. Generally society will judge that is kind of brutalism and not reflect any nationalism at all. Meanwhile when we try to see from another side, those expression can be call as nationalism why?apart from the way they do it , actually they show to us that they still put their attention and charity toward this country by giving their opinion and suggestion toward government policy.

The best mindset is a mindset that can flexible with the time goes. When you only put old mindset it will limit the way you think. This term also apply to solve nationalism problem in Indonesia. The society should more open minded toward the definition and the implementation of nationalism it self. Because we can not force the young generation today for having military service and show their nationalism by involving in war. They can still show their nationalism by reach many achievement that can make this country proud, just like joining competition of international olympiad and perform Indonesian dance in overseas.

In the fact, many young generation can not show their nationalism in the good way. That's way they do need to understand how to implement panca sila as our ideology as basic guidance for them to show their nationalism.

Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010

Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets

This book treasures life of Harry Potter, a half-blood witch who started his second year in Hogwarts.
I was inspiring by Hermione Granger. She is a genius girl with brilliant idea. She solved the riddle of the chamber of secrets and find the person who responsible for mysterious attacking toward the students of Hogwarts.
The memorable event of this book is when Harry met Tom Riddle and Basilisk (a snake monster of chamber of secrets). It was thrilling when Harry almost dies because of the attacking from Basilisk, but it was happy ending when Dumbledore’s phoenix helped Harry by given a sword of Gryffindor and selection hat.
This book is excellent for you which has high imagination and interested in witch world.


Which one do you choose???Individual work or Teamwork? Imagine if you have 5 homeworks and you have to do it by yourself. can you? wow, it is a good idea if we make teamwork with the others, you can finish any works very fast. Teamwork has got it's meaning for each.
T = Trust means you need to trust each other to make teamwork.
E = Effort means you should have big effort to involves in teamwork.
A = Achieve means you will achieve the good result because trust plus effort from teamwork.

M = Motivation means even you are lost you never give up because motivation from others.

W = Well means you will get the result well because of teamwork.

O = Obedient means you have to obey the command of the leader's team.
R = Responsibility means as a leader of team got have a big responsible to keep your team.

K = Knowledge means you can share the knowledge each other to get a good result
So, what do you think about teamwork? Teamwork have many advantages that make us easier to do the activities whether in school, club, course or anywhere, and know about how important for sharing each other.

Minggu, 25 April 2010

Sampoerna Academy Fair

SMAN Sumatera Selatan Sampoerna Academy is a school with a vision to create a future leader that has high social awarness.

We do care with other students that do not have good school's facilities and building. We have one for you and for me program on how we ask help from other helping students to give some the money for the poor sudents.

We wisit some school especially in Basuki Rahmat area. It was really exciting when you shared with them about the unlucky students and seeing their awarness to help the others. However, it was really a tiring job.

Finally, we could collect the money around Rp. 305,800,-. Then we give that to one of elementary schools in Palembang to repair their broken school and complete their facilities.

club in my school

Dear friends,

I am so happy to get chance for promoting our club. Ok, let me tell you a few thing about our club!
As you know, we have some clubs in our school especially the dance club that will be held on every saturday once a week at 3 p.m. There will be Ms. Kadek Windy Hapsari who will teach dance. There are two kinds of dances, they are traditional and modern dances will learn.
There are several benefits that we will get from dance such as we can make our body become more flexible, for the fat person they can minimize their body become sexier, and we can learn more about traditional culture to keep the existence of Indonesian characteristics as a rich country which has many culture like traditional dance.

Minggu, 11 April 2010



STRESS??FRUSTATION??That's the word that you often to say when you have problems. Actually stress is your mind and body respond or react a real or imaginary threat, event or change. Stress is caused by ouor beliefs abouot the events. Physicals stress signs are increase breathing, hearth rate increase, muscles tighten, cold clammy hands. The behavioral signs of stress are hostility, listlessness, irritability, under/over eating.
There are solutions to decrease stressness. the first,think how to manage your stress. Second, identify your stressors. Third, know how you react. Fourth,learn techniques to deal with stress. Fifth, integrate stress management into your daily life.
Those solutions it can be effective if like to do sport activity. it will make your body health and when the problems come, your mental still fresh and you can think brightly to solve your problems and you can enjoy with your problems.

source:L2L (Learning to Live)Program
dear mom,
It was lovely to get your letter yesterday.You do not need to worry because I'm perfectly OK here. I really miss you mom. Hopefully we can meet soon.
Anyway, i believe that you might be curious about my school and my life in dormitory. Well actually it's hard for me to live far from family. However, i do believe that it can make me more independent. I can pass my exam well and I do feel comfort living in dormitory.
I would like to tell you about my school. I have a tight schedule. Sometimes i feel so tired. That's way i must manage my time well. However, sometimes i have a difficulty to chose which one i must put first. I really need your suggestion for it.
I thought you might be curious about my life in dormitory. Everyone here is very kind. They would like to lend their hands when i need help. I am close to everyone, we like to share our problems and try to solve them together. Sometimes, i also face some problems. We might have different opinions between us and sometimes it can become a big problem. I really need your advice for this problem.
Mom, I really miss you. hope to talk to you soon.
with love,
Meisa Nazthasia

Sabtu, 10 April 2010

Movie Review "Freedom Of Writter"

This movie is very interesting and gives me motivation. I didn't have any of the characteristics with the characters in the movie however when I watched the movie I did feel the suffering that they have. I felt sad when their closer friend and family died. Moreover when they must survive with different background and personality.

The setting of the movie can show me clearly about the condition at that time. Different characters that they have make the movie more interesting. I love the plot of the movie which is full with the quotation and the messages that is really meaningfull for us to learn it especially the Teachers and Student.

Jumat, 09 April 2010

Leadership Camp

Sampoerna Academy has held the Leadership Camp for 3 days. It started from 30th of March until 1st of April 2010. They were camping in Agrowisata Bina Darma, Indralaya. There were many activities, students were divided into their own house. First day, Leadership Game I, built the tents, and performance showing. Second day, Leadership Game II, at midnight, scavenger hunt, and closed by bonfire. Third day, Leadership Game III, arranged the tents before us go home, followed by announcement of the House winner from principal. The 3 houses winner were Mantaray, Hornbill, and Dove. They learnt about leadership, discipline, and respectful through the Leadership Camp.

Minggu, 28 Maret 2010

Fadiyah Almas

Hi, my name is Fadiyah Almas. Usually my friends call me Almas. I was born on august,28th 1994 in Lumajang,East Java. I am a chess player. Now, I am being a student in SMAN South Sumatera.I have so many friends that have different background from different region. I want to be a GrandMaster of chess of Indonesia. I effort to get my ambition.

Dwi Ayu Rahmawati

Hello, my name is Dwi Ayu Rahmawati. I am going to be 16 years old soon. I was born on April, 20th 1994 in my beloved hometown, Baturaja Oku. I have really loved dancing since I was in Elementary school. I can express my feeling by dancing and I am interested in Traditional dance rather than Modern because I would like to keep the Tradition of Indonesian culture, I love Indonesian so much... Being a student of SMAN South Sumatra gives a motivation for me to explore my talent and ability to be a better person.

Meisa Nazthasia

dear readers...i'm Meisa Nazthasia...this is my first blog...
i'm here not for inspire you...i only want to share about my life with you...i'm a moslem...
i'll have my 16th birthday in this coming may..=>sometimes you won't realize that time drive your life very fast<=...^_^ i become the student in sampoerna academy boarding school... i love this school so much..i believe this school will bring me to my dream...become a surgeon is one of my ambition...=>it will become an ambition when you try to get it not only make it as a dream<=...because of that I'll concern on science major...i also love debate..become a great debater is my big dream...
lets see another side of me..I'm feminim and cheers full...^_~
I'm a girl that like to mingle and share with my friends..
sometimes i can be a good listener..
my friends like to share their problem with me...I'll help them to solve it...I'll feel satisfy when i can help friend said that I'm good to become a psycholog...
..however sometimes i become egois..that's what my friend told to me..
i love read a novel and comic...i like to hang out with my friends in weekend...
not put on big for sport but now i starting to play basketball..
those are some of my character...feel free to ask more about my self through this blog...

with love,
Meisa Nazthasia

Rachmadika Prihandanu Yuanizar

Rachmadika Prihandanu Yuanizar : My friends usually call me Dika. I was born in Madiun, 13th of January 1994. I live in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. I move to Palembang because I get scholarship from Sampoerna Foundation to study in SMAN SUMSEL Sampoerna Academy. My hobby is reading, I like to read Islamic book. I like marching band very much, I have joined it in my previous school, Junior High School. Unfortunately, I can't continue it in this school because it hasn't exist yet. Now, I'm the leader of Rohis, the Islamic Organization in this school and also I join in Hockey Sport Club. My house is Eagle.